Drafting and Conveyancing

Giving Opinions & Vetting, Drafting of Agreement such as:

Offer/Acceptance letter, Security & Surety Bonds Employment Agreement, Consultant Agreement, Stock Purchase Agreement, Internship Agreement, Joint -Venture Agreements, Employee Proprietary Information and Invention Assignment, Non – Disclosure & Confidential Agreements, Non – Competition Agreements, Finder Fee Agreements, Services Agreements, License & Royalty Agreement, Concession Agreement, Power Purchase Agreements, Finder Fee Agreement, Medical facilities & Benefits Agreement, Master Development & service Agreement, License Agreement, Concessionaire Agreements, Overseas Contracts/ Agreements, Memorandum of understanding, Sale Deeds, Agreement of Sale, Power of Attorney, Partnership/Retirement and Dissolution Deeds, Lease Deed, Trust Deeds, Private/Charitable/Religious, Wills and Codicils… etc

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