Personal and Family Laws

Personal and Family Laws
As the Indian Community comprising of various religions, diversities and castes, they are governed by their respective personal laws, particularly the matters pertaining to Marriage, Divorce, Succession, Maintaince, Child Custody etc.
We provide services pertaining to the matters under personal laws like Hindu Law, Muslim Law, the Indian Christian Marriage Act, the Parsi marriage and Divorce Act, Special Marriage Act, Indian Divorce Act, Indian Succession Act, the Guardian and Wards Act.
In brief we provide services like filing matters related to maintenance, restitution of conjugal rights, divorce, judicial separation, guardianship of minor children, adoption, partition and succession suits.

As the Indian Community comprising of various religions, diversities and castes, they are governed by their respective personal laws, particularly the matters pertaining to Marriage, Divorce, Succession, Maintaince, Child Custody etc.

We provide services pertaining to the matters under personal laws like Hindu Law, Muslim Law, the Indian Christian Marriage Act, the Parsi marriage and Divorce Act, Special Marriage Act, Indian Divorce Act, Indian Succession Act, the Guardian and Wards Act.

In brief we provide services like filing matters related to maintenance, restitution of conjugal rights, divorce, judicial separation, guardianship of minor children, adoption, partition and succession suits.

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